This TiddlyWiki contains the following tiddlers:
- _RGB and BGR test
- .BAS Exporter (development)
- .BAS Exporter (production)
- .BAS Exporter Common
- .BAS Exporter Web (development)
- .BAS Exporter Web (production)
- .BAS.JSON Exporter
- .BAS.TW.HTML Exporter
- .JSON BAM Program Exporter
- .RUN.HTML Exporter (development)
- .RUN.HTML Exporter (production)
- .RUN.HTML Exporter Common
- .TID BAM Program Exporter
- "Thick" CIRCLE Test 1
- "Thick" CIRCLE Test 2
- โป
- ๐ง
- $:/BAM/IDE/Editor/activeline_shade
- $:/BAM/IDE/Editor/activeline_transparency
- $:/BAM/IDE/Editor/background-color
- $:/BAM/IDE/Editor/color
- $:/BAM/IDE/Editor/cursor-color
- $:/BAM/IDE/Editor/font-family
- $:/BAM/IDE/Editor/font-size
- $:/BAM/IDE/Editor/font-weight
- $:/BAM/IDE/Editor/match-brackets-color
- $:/BAM/IDE/Editor/nonmatch-bracket-color
- $:/BAM/Identifers Window/state/tab-732982892
- $:/BAM/New Program Defaults/character_set
- $:/BAM/New Program Defaults/font-family
- $:/BAM/New Program Defaults/graph_character_set
- $:/BAM/New Program Defaults/text_character_set
- $:/BAM/NewTags
- $:/BAM/TW/font-family
- $:/build
- $:/C/Templates
- $:/config/AutoSave
- $:/config/codemirror/autoCloseBrackets
- $:/config/codemirror/cursorBlinkRate
- $:/config/codemirror/indentUnit
- $:/config/codemirror/indentWithTabs
- $:/config/codemirror/lineNumbers
- $:/config/codemirror/lineWrapping
- $:/config/codemirror/matchBrackets
- $:/config/codemirror/styleActiveLine
- $:/config/codemirror/tabSize
- $:/config/Drafts/TypingTimeout
- $:/config/DragAndDrop/Enable
- $:/config/MissingLinks
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- $:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-all
- $:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/full-screen
- $:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/home
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- $:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/storyview
- $:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/unfold-all
- $:/config/Plugins/Disabled/$:/plugins/telmiger/details
- $:/config/Plugins/Disabled/$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror
- $:/config/Plugins/Disabled/$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror-mode-javascript
- $:/config/RelinkOnRename
- $:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass
- $:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold
- $:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/info
- $:/config/WikiParserRules/Inline/wikilink
- $:/core
- $:/DefaultTiddlers
- $:/favicon.ico
- $:/Import
- $:/isEncrypted
- $:/palette
- $:/palettes/Blanca
- $:/palettes/Blue
- $:/palettes/Charlie's Vanilla
- $:/palettes/ContrastDark
- $:/palettes/DarkPhotos
- $:/palettes/DesertSand
- $:/palettes/GruvboxDark
- $:/palettes/Nord
- $:/palettes/Rocker
- $:/palettes/SpartanNight
- $:/plugins/flibbles/relink
- $:/plugins/ihm/tidgraph/stylesheet
- $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror
- $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror-closebrackets
- $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/styles
- $:/SiteDomain
- $:/SitePreviewImageUrl
- $:/SitePreviewUrl
- $:/SiteSubtitle
- $:/SiteTitle
- $:/SiteUrl
- $:/state/advancedsearch/currentTab
- $:/state/folded/BAM Draw
- $:/state/folded/Code Snippets
- $:/state/folded/DIM Identifiers
- $:/state/folded/Testing Wikify
- $:/state/folded/VAR Identifiers
- $:/state/importpreviewtype
- $:/state/palettemanager/$:/palettes/Rocker/site-title-foreground
- $:/state/palettemanager/showexternal
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- $:/state/plugin-info--1931129592-$:/plugins/flibbles/relink---1659944808
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- $:/state/ShowPaletteEditor
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- $:/state/tab--292434950
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- $:/state/tab-1288596162
- $:/state/tab-13041820
- $:/state/tab-1424821300
- $:/state/tab-1749438307
- $:/state/tab-1795582944
- $:/state/tab-182337728
- $:/state/tab-2083919298
- $:/state/tab-47750854
- $:/state/tab-655804234
- $:/state/tab-722954376
- $:/state/tab-732982892
- $:/state/tab-749647820
- $:/state/tab/moresidebar-1850697562
- $:/state/tab/sidebar--595412856
- $:/status/IsLoggedIn
- $:/status/RequireReloadDueToPluginChange
- $:/status/UserName
- $:/StoryList
- $:/tags/PageControls
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodyfontsize
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodylineheight
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarbreakpoint
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarwidth
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyleft
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyright
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storywidth
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/tiddlerwidth
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/sidebarlayout
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/stickytitles
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/editorfontfamily
- $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/fontfamily
- $:/UploadURL
- $:/UploadWithUrlOnly
- 10001th prime
- 99 Bottles of Beer
- A "BAS" Tiddler's Toolbar
- A Mazing Program
- A Mazing Program T
- About Adjacent Drag and Drop
- About BAM Version Numbers
- About BASIC Anywhere Machine
- About the ASCII Character Sets
- About the Extended Character Sets
- About the Includes Mapper
- ABS sample
- Acknowledgements
- Adjacent Drag and Drop
- Akalabeth
- Akalabeth (BAM!)
- Akalabeth (BAM!) Arrays
- Akalabeth (BAM!) Data
- Akalabeth (BAM!) MENU_ITEM
- Akalabeth (BAM!) TYPEWRITER
- All Tasks
- Almost prime
- Alpha
- Alphabet Attacks
- Amazing Grace
- Analog Clock by b+
- Anti-primes
- Appearance Options
- Application Launcher(?)
- Archimedean spiral
- AreaOfRectangle
- Arithmetic Expression Parser
- Arithmetic-geometric mean
- Array Testing
- Arrays
- Artillery 3
- ASCII Character Set
- ASCII Christmas Tree
- Ascii Draw
- ASCII Draw 2023
- ASCII Extended Chars Tester
- Auto Biaxial Symmetry Graphing
- Background Generator
- Ball Shader by ZXDunny
- BAM ASCII Character Set 1
- BAM ASCII Character Set 2
- BAM Calendar
- BAM Draw
- BAM Draw IDE
- BAM Extended Character Set 1
- BAM Extended Character Set 2
- BAM Extended Character Set 3
- BAM Extended Character Set 4
- BAM Logo
- BAM Tagging Tool
- BAM TW Sidebar Items
- BAM User
- BAM Version
- BAM Version Plain
- Barnsley Fern (Fractal)
- Based on PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10
- BASIC Anywhere Machine License
- Basic Console Window Template
- Basic Console Window Template BACKUP
- Basic IDE CSS
- Basic IDE Macros
- BASIC macros
- BASIC Program Export HTML
- Basic Program Export Window Template
- Basic Script Web Page
- Basic Script Web Page Backup
- Behaviour Options
- Benchmark Test
- Beta
- Biaxial Symmetry Graphing 1
- Binary strings
- Blink CSS
- Blue
- BlueJoe Motion Thingy
- Bouncing Circle and Square Screen Painter
- BouncingBall
- BouncingBall 2
- BouncingScatterCircles
- Box Color Varied
- Bubble Universe
- C64-ish ASCII Character Set
- Cannoneer
- Catalan numbers
- Catch 88
- Change Request Manager
- Chaotic Scatter
- Char Graphics Die
- Char Tessellate
- Char Tessellate 2
- Char Tessellate 2B
- char-2
- char-3
- char-4
- Character Editor
- Character Set Options
- Charlie
- Charlie Veniot
- Chomp
- Chrome Disc
- Circle Performance Test
- CIRCLE to Draw Pie Charts
- circles
- Code Block Menu
- Code Issues List
- Code Issues Macro
- Code Issues Template
- Code Mirror CSS Backup
- Code Mirror Extra CSS
- Code Snippets
- CodeMirror License
- Color Picker
- Colour Gradient
- Comments testing
- Component Arrow.png
- CONST Identifiers
- Constants and variables tester
- Conversion Functions
- Conversion Functions Tester
- Conway's Game of Life
- cr-1
- cr-2
- Craps
- Create-Modify Info
- Cube
- Curve Stitching in a Circle
- Custom Characters Manager
- Cute 40-line-ish game
- Cute 50-line-ish game
- Data Type Study: LONG and ULONG
- Data Types Study: BYTE, UBYTE
- Data Types Study: INTEGER, SHORT, USHORT
- date$, now$, time$
- Day of the week
- Default Font for New Programs
- Delta
- Department numbers
- Diagonals on SCREEN 2
- Diff Basic Program Button
- Diff Viewer
- Diff Viewer 2
- Diff Vue Template
- Digit fifth powers
- DIM Identifiers
- DO LOOP (unconditional) sample
- Dogfight Player
- donkey.bas
- DONOTHING statement
- Drag and Drop Between BAM Instances
- DRAW Capsule Shape
- DRAW E,F,G,H + TA Test
- DRAW General Test
- draw graphics test
- DRAW Rotating Lace Pattern
- DRAW Spiral Graphing Demo
- DrawSquare
- Easter Egg Decorating
- Easter Egg Decorating 2
- Easy Spiral
- Eliza
- Eliza (First Try)
- Empty string
- Ethiopian multiplication
- Evaluate binomial coefficients
- Even or odd
- Ever-Changing Mandala
- Ever-Changing Mandala II (less CPU intensive)
- Exiting a subroutine
- Export Info
- Export Options
- Exporter Analyzer
- Exporter Analyzer 2
- Extra View Window
- Factorial
- Factors of an integer
- Fedora Hat
- Fedora Hat II
- Festive Skull
- File Menu
- File Open Modal
- File Open, Print, Close Tester
- File Properties Viewer
- File Save As Modal
- Find adjacent primes which differ by a square integer
- Find if a point is within a triangle
- Find limit of recursion
- Find squares n where n+1 is prime
- Fireworks?
- FizzBuzz
- fL
- Flipping Oval
- fLm
- Floor Mapper
- Flower Tessellation
- Flower Tessellation Long
- Flower Wheel
- Fractal Tree
- Function Study: CINT, FIX, INT
- Funky Green Light Halos
- Funky Howdy Doody
- Funky-Textured Turning-Cylinder?
- General Language Tester
- GETCHR$ tester
- GetLocalStorageItem.js
- Gliding Over Sparkling Ocean
- Global and Local Arrays with Same Names
- Global and Local Variables Tester
- Gobs of Dripping Paint
- GOSUB Tester
- GOSUB with an expression
- GOSUB with expressions for modularity
- Goto label sample
- GOTO Tester
- Greatest common divisor
- Greatest element of a list
- Green Boxes
- Guess the number
- GW-BASIC (Amiga) Get + Put Sample
- Hailstone sequence
- Hello Blue World
- Hello World Horizontal Marquis
- Hello World.BAS
- Help Menu
- Hide Author Name CSS
- High / Low
- Hofstadter Q sequence
- Home
- Horizontal Marquis
- Horizontal Paddle with Mouse
- Horizontal sundial calculations
- Howdy Doody PCOPY II Test
- Howdy Doody PCOPY Test
- Hz# Include Tester
- Hz#(note$)
- IDE Config
- Idea Manager
- Identifier Query Macros
- Identifiers Window
- IF Conditional Branch Tester
- IF testing for GW-BASIC
- Impossible Oval
- Include Libraries
- Includes Mapper
- Includes Preprocessor
- Including special keywords/characters in strings
- InputPrintSleepCls
- INSTR tester
- Integer sequence
- Issue Manager
- Julia set (GW-BASIC)
- Julia set (Locomotive)
- Julia set (QBasic)
- KEY Constants Tester
- Keyboard input/Obtain a Y or N response
- KeyCode Constants
- KeyCodes
- Keystate tester
- Keywords as Identifiers Tester
- Kimmie Fish Screensaver
- Kimmie Fishies BAM Screensaver
- Largest difference between adjacent primes
- Largest prime factor
- Largest proper divisor of n
- lb-1
- lb-2
- lb-3
- lb-4
- lb-5
- lb-6
- lb-7
- Leap year
- Least common multiple
- LET tester
- LETCHR$ tester
- Library B
- Library C
- Licences
- Lightmapping
- Line Circle Thing
- Line Color Rotation
- line graphics test
- LINE remembers the last pen position
- lines application launcher
- lines.bas
- List of tiddlers needing to be tagged as BAM
- List of Unicode characters
- Local Storage Tester
- Logiker VC2023
- Long stairs
- Long year
- Lookups
- Loop Through Screen Modes
- Loops/Break
- Loops/Do-while
- Loops/Downward for
- Loops/For
- Loops/N plus one half
- Macros tester - enum
- Magic 8-ball
- Mandelbrot set
- Mapset Mapget tester
- Marx Brothers, dynamic data from TiddlyWiki Filter
- Marx Brothers.Names.DATA
- Marx Brothers.TW.BAS
- Menu
- Mesmerizer 1
- Meta-Programming Snippets
- Metaprogramming multi-test: alert,consolelog,debug,dev,prod
- Metaprogramming: test "promotion level context" code
- Metaprogramming: TEST debug
- MID$ (statement) tester
- Minimum number of cells after, before, above and below NxN squares
- mishka's clock
- Mรถbius function
- Modal CSS
- Modular inverse
- Mouse Tester
- Mouse testing 1
- Mouse testing 2
- Mouse testing 3
- multicol
- Multiplication tables
- Mumble Marble
- Munching Squares
- Musical Notes Dictionary
- Musical Pitch Notes and Frequencies Matrix
- My Favourite Unicode Characters
- N'th
- Narcissistic decimal number
- Navigation
- New Program Defaults
- New Tiddler
- New Tiddler 1
- New Tiddler 2
- New.BAS
- New.BAS 1
- New.BAS 10
- New.BAS 11
- New.BAS 13
- New.BAS 14
- New.BAS 15
- New.BAS 16
- New.BAS 17
- New.BAS 18
- New.BAS 2
- New.BAS 3
- New.BAS 4
- New.BAS 5
- New.BAS 6
- New.BAS 7
- New.BAS 8
- New.BAS 9
- Nim game
- Notes#๏ธโฃLicences
- Numbers which binary and ternary digit sum are prime
- NVL Test
- One Check
- One Check _ BAMified
- One Hundred Doors
- OpenWindow Experiment
- P256 Mode Default Colour Attributes
- Parentheses, Brackets, and Curly Brackets
- Pascal's triangle
- pb-1
- pb-2
- pb-3
- Pendulum
- Per BASIC Program License
- PET-ish ASCII Character Set
- PI Calculator
- Pick random element
- Pie Chart Service
- Pie Chart with CIRCLE and DRAW
- Pie Charter
- Pie Charter 2
- Plasma LED Clock
- Polar Grapher.bas
- Polygon Macro Support
- Polygon Test
- Polygon Test 3
- Popup Box functions
- Powerwash
- Pre-processor: Test Metaprogramming with Chained Transclusions
- Prime triplets
- Product of divisors
- Program termination
- Program Version Comment
- Project Management CSS
- Project Menu
- Psychedelic Star Swirl
- Put - Get
- Put and Get Tester Deux
- PUT color action sample
- PUT color action sample II
- PUTSTRING folding prototype
- PUTSTRING prototype
- PUTSTRING(x%, y%, s$)
- Qb64 Draw Example
- Raining Ghosts Game
- Random Pentatonic Notes Player
- RbgaBox Biaxial Mosaic
- Recent Updates to This Documentation
- Red Plaid Thing
- Regeya's CIRCLES
- Relink License
- Remove duplicate elements
- RemoveLocalStorageItem Test
- Report a Problem
- Requirement Manager
- Research Rounded Boxes With DRAW
- Reserved Identifiers Tester
- Reserved Keywords
- RESTORE with an expression
- Rgba Core
- Rgba Test 1
- RgbaBox(x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c&, a~%%)
- RgbaCircle BACKUP
- RgbaCircle Biaxial Mosaic
- RgbaCircle Test 1
- RgbaCircle Test 2
- RgbaCircle(x%, y%, r%, c&, a~%%, f%)
- RgbaLine Tester
- RgbaLine Tester 2
- RgbaLine Tester 3
- RgbaLine(x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c&, a~%%)
- RgbaPset Tester
- RgbaPset(x%,y%,c&,a~%%)
- Rot-13
- Rotating Circle
- Rotating Concentric Squares
- Rotating Lorenz Attractor
- Rotating Parallel Planes
- Rotating Pyramid
- Rounded Box 2
- Rounded_Box
- Rounded_Box 2
- rq-1
- rq-2
- rq-3
- Run Basic Program Button
- Runtime Properties Viewer
- Safe and Sophie Germain primes
- Save Button CSS
- Screen Function Backup
- Screen Painter Animation
- Scroll Horizontal
- Scroll Super-Test
- Scroll Vertical
- SDLC Item Editor
- SDLC Manager
- SDLC New Btns Bar
- SelectCaseSample
- Semi-random PSET art
- Semiprime
- SetClipboardText function
- SetLocalStorageItem.js
- Side IDE
- Side IDE Launcher
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Simple Animation XOR test
- Simple Tile-Sliding Puzzle
- SimpleRandomHillsMaker
- Sine Art 1
- Sinus Wave
- Ski Slope Challenge (Charlie's Version)
- Sleeping Beauty problem
- Snowflake
- Sorting algorithms/Bubble sort
- Sound Tester
- Special neighbor primes
- Spheres
- Spinning Cogs
- Spinning Dots Illusion
- Spinny Cube
- Spinny Sprouty Cogs
- Spiral Graphics
- Spiral Thing
- SpiralGraphs
- Sprouting Cog Things
- Starfield
- Startup Actions
- Steady squares
- String Operators
- SUB Local Array Bug
- Sub Procedure Sample
- Subroutine tester: fix issue when CALL not used
- Substring/Top and tail
- Sum and product of an array
- Sum of divisors
- Sum of elements below main diagonal of matrix
- Sum of first n cubes
- Sum of primes in odd positions is prime
- Summation of primes
- Sunshine
- Support this project
- Swap sample
- Swirling Ribbons
- Swirly Thing
- SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /((/i: Unterminated group
- t-1
- t-2
- t-3
- t-4
- t-5
- t-6
- t-7
- t-8
- t-9
- TAB function test
- Tags Manager
- Tank
- tAsDc
- tAsDo
- Task Manager
- Tau function
- tBAS
- Test BYTE Data Types
- Test Child
- Test default colour for CIRCLE LINE PAINT
- test DRAW TA
- Test graphics handling of lines
- Test hex and bin numbers in DATA
- Test Include Directive
- Test Include File
- Test Numeral Representation and Conversion
- Test ON ... RESTORE
- Test ON GOTO
- Test Palette and InitPalette
- Test PALETTE and RGB2BGR 2
- Test Parent
- Test preprocess mechanism: skip of text format markdown
- Test Relational Operators
- Tester _width _height
- Tester DRAW
- Tester for constants
- Tester for DEFDV
- Tester: Binary Operators
- Tester: DRAW commands A and TA
- Tester: FOR NEXT
- Tester: Image smoothing and Font selection
- Tester: Logical Operators
- Tester: PSET and PRESET
- Tester: Screen Scrolling (Mirage Maker?)
- Thank-you for your support
- The IDE
- The Lens
- The Various Ways of Running a BASIC Program
- The Waves
- Thick Line Color Rotation
- Three Little Pigs Opening Crawl Down
- Three Little Pigs Opening Crawl Up
- TiddlyTalk - BASIC interfacing prototype
- TiddlyTools/Time/action-timeout.js
- TiddlyWiki
- TiddlyWiki License
- Timer function as QB64
- tInfo
- Tip Link
- Tip Link and Message
- tKwm
- To Export a BASIC program for including in other TW
- Tools Menu
- Touch Device Tester
- tPromoteLevel
- Transclusion Templates
- Triangle Math 1
- Trigonometric funtions from "10,000 CIRCLES"
- Trigonometric funtions from "12,000 CIRCLES"
- Trigonometric funtions from "14,000 CIRCLES"
- Trigonometric funtions from "4,000 LINE SEGMENTS"
- Trigonometric funtions from "8,000 LINE SEGMENTS"
- Trigonometric funtions from "9,000 CIRCLES"
- Trigonometric funtions from "Magpie""
- Trigonometric funtions from "Parrot"
- Trigonometric funtions from "Stork"
- tRun
- TW CSS override
- tWarn
- Twisted Squircle
- TYPE Employees sample
- TYPE, DIM, array
- UrlKey$(key$)
- UrlQueryString$ Tester
- VAR Identifiers
- Version Date Manager
- VicIIishColorTheme
- View Code Issues
- View Options#๏ธโฃChange Request Manager
- View Options#๏ธโฃIdea Manager
- View Options#๏ธโฃIssue Manager
- View Options#๏ธโฃRequirement Manager
- View Options#๏ธโฃSDLC Manager
- View Options#๏ธโฃTask Manager
- View Preprocessor Output
- View Preprocessor Output Backup
- View Preprocessor Output Recent Backup
- View Program
- View Program Simple
- Vortex Thing
- WeekdayFromDate
- When does each license apply?
- Wilson primes of order n
- Wumpus
- wwwBASIC ASCII Character Set
- wwwBASIC Extended Character Set
- wwwBASIC Font - Thin
- wwwBASIC License
- Yahtzee
- Yikes
- Zero to the zero power
- ZX Spectrum-ish ASCII Character Set